Creative Ways to Launch a PR Campaign for a Product 

Public relations agencies and publicists are some of the most underrated professionals across nearly every industry. No one ever thinks they need a PR campaign until they notice that sales aren’t what they initially anticipated. Agencies often know how to pull out the gold nugget of information in your press release and make it shine so that everyone wants to know who you are and what you are offering them. If you have a new product coming out soon, and you haven’t yet considered how to get it in front of potential customers, take a look at some of these suggestions:

  1. Host an Event

    Host a virtual launch event and invite industry leaders, media, and influencers. Networking doesn’t stop just because you know “some” people in the industry. Making connections is the fastest way to watch your product soar.

  2. Partner Up

    Partner with a relevant brand or organization to co-host the launch and reach a wider audience. People often think that everything great has to be done alone, but in business, it’s quite the contrary. Partnering with other companies gives you direct access to their audience. Not to mention, it’s always refreshing to have someone to lean on.

  3. Test the Waters

    Create a buzz by doing a soft launch or a sneak peek of the product or service before the official launch. Customers love to feel like they are getting access to something exclusive, so give them a reason to be envied and invite a small group to a sneak peak just for them!

  4. Give a Little

    Host a contest or giveaway to generate excitement and engagement. Speaking of exclusives, everyone loves free stuff. If you know you have an amazing product, give some away! Reviews and testimonials are beyond valuable, so why not give a little, to get a little.

  5. Optimize Your SEO

    Create a landing page or microsite specifically for the launch and optimize it for SEO. Oh my, we cannot emphasize just how important this is! Business owners need to realize that the more specific a landing page is, the more likely potential customers are to end up on it. Not to mention, Google loves this practice and will certainly reward you for it with higher rankings over time.

  6. Social Media

    Create a social media campaign to generate interest and anticipation for the launch. We aren’t telling you anything you don’t know here. Social media has infiltrated all of our lives and businesses. If you haven’t gotten on board yet with making announcements on social, it’s time to start. Like yesterday.

  7. Request Reviews

    Reach out to relevant media outlets and influencers to request coverage or product reviews. There are spaces for everyone on the internet and for nearly every category that exists, there are hundreds of influencers that are speaking on it. Podcasts, YouTube, Blogs… Find out which influencers are making a voice for themselves in your industry and reach out to find out if they would be into collaborating!

  8. Go Viral

    Create a viral video or animation to showcase the product or service in an engaging way. Obviously, it’s hard to plan to go viral, but creating content that keeps engagement throughout is key. Again, social media is MAJOR and the more exposure you can get for your new product, the better.

  9. Email Marketing

    Use email marketing to reach out to current and potential customers.There are so many ways to use email marketing where product launches are concerned. Reach out to tease the release, reach out with a contest offer, reach out to remind customers you are having a sale. Whatever it is, email marketing is a fantastic way to get your message across.

  10. Tell Your Story

    Leverage the power of storytelling to create an emotional connection with the audience. If all else fails, tell your story. Customers love to see and know the face behind a brand. More than that, however, they want to know how they connect to your brand. Fill them in and let them know how your product came to fruition in the first place. Trust us, people are nosy. They want to know.


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